
Project Overview

BRIDGES: BKY is a collaboration between bioethics researchers in Bristol (UK), Yonsei (Seoul, Korea), and Kyoto (Japan). Led by Professor Richard Huxtable (Bristol), working closely with Professor Satoshi Kodama (Kyoto), Professor Ilhak Lee (Yonsei), and Professor Jonathan Ives (Bristol), the project seeks to build bridges between:

  • Early career researchers working in bioethics in the UK, Japan, South Korea, and beyond;
  • The different disciplines that make up bioethics; and
  • Bioethical theory and healthcare practice.

On this website, you will find more information about the project, profiles of its members, blog posts about project news and events, as well as resources for bioethics researchers. The main contents of this website are available in three languages: English, Japanese, and Korean.

BRIDGE: BKY는 브리스톨 대학(영국), 연세대(서울, 한국), 교토대(일본)의 생명윤리 연구자들 간의 협업입니다. Richard Huxtable 교수(브리스톨)가 이끄는 이 프로젝트는 Satoshi Kodama 교수(교토), 이일학 교수(연세대), Jonathan Ives 교수(브리스톨)와 긴밀히 협력하며 다음의 다리놓기를 시도하고 있습니다.

  • 영국, 일본, 대한민국및그외의생명윤리분야에서활동하는신진연구자의발굴
  • 생명윤리를구성하는다른분야들; 그리고
  • 생명윤리이론과보건의료의실천.

이 웹 사이트에서는 프로젝트에 대한 자세한 정보, 구성원의 프로필, 프로젝트 뉴스와 이벤트에 대한 게시물, 생명윤리 연구자를 위한 리소스를 확인할 수 있습니다. 이 웹 사이트의 주요 내용은 한국어, 영어, 일본어의 세 개의 언어로 제공됩니다.

BRIDGES: BKYは、ブリストル(英国)、延世大学(韓国ソウル)、京都(日本)の生命倫理学研究者による共同研究プロジェクトです。Richard Huxtable教授(ブリストル)の主導のもと、児玉聡教授(京都)、Ilhak Lee教授(延世大学)、Jonathan Ives教授(ブリストル)と密接に協力しながら、このプロジェクトでは以下の架け橋を築くことを目指しています。

– 英国、日本、韓国、そして世界各地で生命倫理学を研究している若手研究者

– 生命倫理学を構成する様々な学問分野、および

– 生命倫理学の理論とヘルスケアの実践


Tab 1

BRIDGES: BKY is a collaboration between bioethics researchers in Bristol (UK), Yonsei (Seoul, Korea), and Kyoto (Japan). Led by Professor Richard Huxtable (Bristol), working closely with Professor Satoshi Kodama (Kyoto), Professor Ilhak Lee (Yonsei), and Professor Jonathan Ives (Bristol), the project seeks to build bridges between:

  • Early career researchers working in bioethics in the UK, Japan, South Korea, and beyond;
  • The different disciplines that make up bioethics; and
  • Bioethical theory and healthcare practice.

On this website, you will find more information about the project, profiles of its members, blog posts about project news and events, as well as resources for bioethics researchers. The main contents of this website are available in three languages: English, Japanese, and Korean.

Tab 2

BRIDGE: BKY는 브리스톨 대학(영국), 연세대(서울, 한국), 교토대(일본)의 생명윤리 연구자들 간의 협업입니다. Richard Huxtable 교수(브리스톨)가 이끄는 이 프로젝트는 Satoshi Kodama 교수(교토), 이일학 교수(연세대), Jonathan Ives 교수(브리스톨)와 긴밀히 협력하며 다음의 다리놓기를 시도하고 있습니다.

  • 영국, 일본, 대한민국및그외의생명윤리분야에서활동하는신진연구자의발굴
  • 생명윤리를구성하는다른분야들; 그리고
  • 생명윤리이론과보건의료의실천.

이 웹 사이트에서는 프로젝트에 대한 자세한 정보, 구성원의 프로필, 프로젝트 뉴스와 이벤트에 대한 게시물, 생명윤리 연구자를 위한 리소스를 확인할 수 있습니다. 이 웹 사이트의 주요 내용은 한국어, 영어, 일본어의 세 개의 언어로 제공됩니다.


BRIDGES: BKYは、ブリストル(英国)、延世大学(韓国ソウル)、京都(日本)の生命倫理学研究者による共同研究プロジェクトです。Richard Huxtable教授(ブリストル)の主導のもと、児玉聡教授(京都)、Ilhak Lee教授(延世大学)、Jonathan Ives教授(ブリストル)と密接に協力しながら、このプロジェクトでは以下の架け橋を築くことを目指しています。

– 英国、日本、韓国、そして世界各地で生命倫理学を研究している若手研究者

– 生命倫理学を構成する様々な学問分野、および

– 生命倫理学の理論とヘルスケアの実践


About the Centres

BRIDGES:BKY is led by colleagues from three bioethics centres, in Bristol, Yonsei, and Kyoto.

The Centre for Ethics in Medicine is an interdisciplinary centre for enquiry, education and engagement in healthcare ethics and law, based in Bristol Medical School, at the University of Bristol, UK. You can read more about the history and work of the Centre on its website. Professor Huxtable is the director of the Centre and Professor Ives is the deputy director. The Centre undertakes research and runs training on a range of areas relevant to BRIDGES:BKY. These include events for early career researchers, training on “empirical bioethics” research and clinical ethics support services, as well as research projects on engineering and innovation, end-of-life care, and reproduction and genomics. Bristol is in the South West of England and, in keeping with our project title, its most famous bridge is the Clifton Suspension Bridge, which was designed by renowned engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

About the Centres

BRIDGES:BKY is led by colleagues from three bioethics centres, in Bristol, Yonsei, and Kyoto.

The Centre for Ethics in Medicine is an interdisciplinary centre for enquiry, education and engagement in healthcare ethics and law, based in Bristol Medical School, at the University of Bristol, UK. You can read more about the history and work of the Centre on its website. Professor Huxtable is the director of the Centre and Professor Ives is the deputy director. The Centre undertakes research and runs training on a range of areas relevant to BRIDGES:BKY. These include events for early career researchers, training on “empirical bioethics” research and clinical ethics support services, as well as research projects on engineering and innovation, end-of-life care, and reproduction and genomics. Bristol is in the South West of England and, in keeping with our project title, its most famous bridge is the Clifton Suspension Bridge, which was designed by renowned engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

The Asian Institute for Bioethics and Health Law (AIBHL) was established in Yonsei University, South Korea. You can read more about the history and work of the Centre on its website. AIBHL’s vision is to develop and provide academic expertise to society and humanity in the field of bioethics and healthcare law. AIBHL work to perform interdisciplinary study of issues in healthcare law and bioethics and to educate professionals with sensitivity and knowledge of the field. AIBHL’s research covers bioethics, clinical ethics, patient safety, ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI), and global health. We also work to translate the results of our research into systematic and reasonable policy and to enhance international collaboration in the field of public and healthcare law. AIBHL has centers, including: the medical dispute center; the advanced biotechnology and clinical ethics center; and the international health law center.

Affiliated with the School of Letters at the University of Kyoto, The Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics (CAPE) was founded in April 2012. We will be carrying out various research and educational initiatives related to the field of applied philosophy. At Kyoto University we plan to construct a network of scholars engaged in bioethics-related research and to carry out a variety of research and educational initiatives. These specifically include promoting the study of clinical and research ethics, preparing an education program for bioethics within the University, holding international workshops and seminars, and outreach initiatives. Through these efforts we aim for the research and education initiatives in bioethics at Kyoto University to be one of the best at the international level.


The BRIDGES collaboration began in 2014 and funding was initially secured in 2015. This initial funding was kindly provided by Kyoto University and the University of Bristol. Professor Kodama secured the Kyoto award; Professor Huxtable secured an International Strategic Fund award from Bristol, on which he worked with Professor Kodama. This funding helped to support initial Bristol-Kyoto visits and workshops. These events identified two areas for further exploration: end-of-life care, and research integrity.

Professor Lee attended these early events. He then undertook a Visiting Fellowship at the Centre for Ethics in Medicine in the University of Bristol for 18 months, as did one of the Yonsei PhD researchers, Seung Jeung Gyeong, who visited for 6 months. In 2017, Professor Lee worked with Professors Ives and Huxtable to secure funding from the Korean Global Research Network for “GRN:BRIDGES”. This funding supported workshops in Bristol and Yonsei, in which the teams from Bristol, Kyoto and Yonsei participated. These workshops enabled colleagues to share their research approaches and to identify the four topics that BRIDGES:BKY is exploring.

Although there are distinct approaches and issues arising in the three countries, the BRIDGES team also appreciates that there are many shared challenges – and opportunities – arising in bioethics. Further collaboration should hopefully help the team (and others) to learn from one another in seeking to address the challenges. Early career researchers have played a significant role in all of our BRIDGES collaborations to date. For these reasons, BRIDGES:BKY extends our ongoing collaboration, with a particular focus on supporting early career researchers in bioethics, particularly in the UK, Japan and South Korea.

Guiding Principles

BRIDGES:BKY is committed to principles that are intended to promote a positive working culture and to equality, diversity and inclusion.

In seeking to support a positive working culture, BRIDGES:BKY aims to signpost early career researchers in bioethics to opportunities in the field and to any support they might need, including mentoring and pastoral support. BRIDGES:BKY also seeks to foster collaboration between researchers in Bristol, Yonsei and Kyoto.

In seeking to support equality, diversity and inclusion, BRIDGES:BKY aims to ensure that selection criteria and processes for any opportunities arising are transparent and diverse. The opportunities arising mainly relate to events, such as conferences and workshops aimed at career researchers in bioethics. We will seek to pace events carefully, provide translation support, and also provide such other support that attendees might require.


The content of the site is only intended to be informative. BRIDGES:BKY does not accept any responsibility for the content of any other website or any publications by others that we may reference or link to in this website. BRIDGES:BKY does not endorse any publication, company, organisation, group, education centre or website that we reference or link to, nor do we not endorse any group that we do not mention.

BRIDGES:BKY accepts no responsibility for any harm that may occur resulting from the use of this site, including any occurrence of inaccurate or out-of-date content. Except for any material that is freely available in the public domain, the material on this website is copyright. BRIDGES:BKY reserves all intellectual property rights over its logo.